Facial Cloths and Rounds {Christmas Sewing}
This year I’m trying to sew most of my Christmas gifts for the family. …and giving them their gifts early so I can blog about them. (emoji)
The first gift that came to mind was facial cloths and makeup rounds for Kimberly. When I found this piece of flannel in the stash I knew they would look cute for bathroom _____.
I looked at a few different tutorials for creating the rounds, I looked at this ONE and another one which…I can’t seem to find now. But they really are pretty simple.
[ Step 1: Cut shape. | 2: Sew together | 3. Finished. ]
That the simplified version of the instructions.
It took me a few different tries to see what size I liked. Which ended up being a Snack Cup (from Tupperware) I found in the cupboard. It’s 3” in diameter which felt right to me. The sweet thing is you can create them to whatever size you’d like!
Sewing them (wrong sides) together with the serger (/overlocker) worked the best. To secure the serger tails, I used a zig zag stitch on the sewing machine to keep them locked.
Now the fabric choices…only time will tell if what I used was the best combination. I looked at the tutorials, rounds you can purchase and there wasn’t really a definite fabric choice. Bamboo, flannel, jersey, cotton, knit…okay…But why did you choose those specific fabrics?
I decided to just go with a stained old soft t-shirt that was pretty close in color. It felt gentle when I rubbed it back and forth on my eyes like I was removing my makeup. Was it the best choice…not sure yet. But I will update this post on how they are lasting in a few months.
For the cloths…I secretly “borrowed” one of Kimberly’s purchased ones to use as a template. But these are nothing like it.
The purchased cloth is a single layer of flannel and has an finishing edge stitch (to keep the fabric from unraveling) I had never seen and couldn’t replicate on my machine. Using a zig-zag, the mock serger stitch or actually running it through the serger all caused the single layer of flannel to pucker or didn’t pass the unravel test.
So…naturally I created my own version.
They are about 1” bigger all around and are two layers of flannel.
[ 1: Sew right-sides together | 2: Turn out | 3. Edgestitch | 4. Press…at every step.]
And that’s it. I’m not sure if the larger size or double layer will make them better…or worse. But they are an experiment and will keep getting corrected in future versions.
Used scraps to tie the rounds together in groups of 11.
In total… 44 make up rounds (22 to Kimberly and 22 for another sister Tiffany) and 14 wipes for Kimberly. It was a fun project and super simple!
-’- Jewel
Fabric used:
2 yards flannel | From stash
1 old T-shirt (lining)