Jewberly Emiris is a mash-up of Jewel/Kimberly and their middle names. It started back in 2013 as a photography and sewing blog (of Jewel’s) with some recipes (by Kimberly). You can still see the backlog HERE.
It grew to include TaMera with knitting, fashion, DIY projects, upcylcing and continues to evolve. Currently the sisters’ fashion, recipe and lifestyle documentary.
Our family has multiple autoimmune diseases and eat gluten free. With additional number of us also being dairy, corn and grain free. The recipes on the blog are all gluten free so you never need to worry about making those adjustments. Many of the recipes listed are dairy free as well!
With TaMera, Jewel and Kimberly all being considered “plus size” by the fashion industry, all of our outfits are from inclusive brands or sewn by Jewel. We share different brands that we love and how they fit our differing body shapes. (You’ll see a serious love of Torrid!)
Body Positive:
Our photos are never doctored to cut away rolls or remove blemishes. That means our photos won’t be perfect, or even what some would considered blog-worthy.
We embrace the idea that plus size fashion can be stylish and original. We believe that seeing unretouched bodies and faces can be a powerful factor for societal change.