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Snip, snip, snip…

Snip, snip, snip…


So…I drastically changed my hair!

After a certain length my hair is very heavy and causes headaches when it’s up in a ponytail or bun. I try to always get the required 8” for donating when I cut my hair. But this time I had Jewel measure and I decided to take off about 10”. …unfortunately due to a misunderstanding with my stylist the final was 11” off! With hair an inch makes a difference! But thankfully, I still love it!


It’s a complete 180 in the way I have to style and care for my hair then before. This is the shortest I’ve ever cut my hair and I think the shortest it probably will ever be. I’ve already styled it a few different ways and will be showing you those soon!

My Christmas Playlist: Part 1

My Christmas Playlist: Part 1

Facial Cloths and Rounds {Christmas Sewing}

Facial Cloths and Rounds {Christmas Sewing}